Thursday, December 20, 2007

Work From Home: Wellness Evaluations

Becoming a Wellness Coach, takes into consideration many principles, that, only through several trainings, and coach the coach sessions, will performing the Wellness be of worth to the general public, and thus effective in making a living from it. Please ask Coach Remi for your Introduction Session.

In basic terms, a rudimentary understanding of Herbalife products, and its 27year old training system, (that has stood the test of time), is a keen must for all those who wish to work from home as a Wellness Coach. A motto coined by Herbalife founder Mark Hughes, "Use, Wear, Talk", has remained as Herbalife's strongest method of operation: Use the Products / Wear the Button / Talk to People. And it is also that simple for Wellness Coach.

I am about to share with you many details that are for your knowledge-benefit; but before I do so, heed this, no-one can be successful unless they use the products, and have their own result...any attempt to use the wellness system without product usage, is hypocritical, and deceiving to your potential clients, so its quite simple, use the products, after all they taste really nice!

The main part of the Wellness Evaluation will be conducted from a 20 page "Flip-folder" that is informative and gives full understanding to the Evaluation, the concept of Wellness, and the Globesity & Lifestyle challenges of the world today. The measurement itself is conducted on a set of Tanita Scales (Body Composition Monitor # model BC-543). Finally accompanying these tools are the 3 important forms that are completed by both client & Coach, see below. For cost's of tools required, it is best to commence your Wellness Coach business with a Shake party or 2, this will give you enough profits, to purchase the tools required, and best of all, you will receive live-training from your mentor.

The 1st Form, is crucial in noting down a client's first measurement, for the Coach's use. Not shown is a Wellness Pass that is used to track progress over the coming weeks and months, this can be obtained upon request.
The 2nd Form, requires the client to tick off their daily eating habits, score the evaluation, and offer the 5 referrals as requested in return for receiving the FREE Wellness Evaluation.
The 3rd Form is only used should the client wish to make changes in their current situation, and will mark out the cost of their daily eating habits. Normally it should only be used at a 2nd appointment. Thus separating the free service, and any product purchase.
Bear in mind, that throughout evaluating a person for Wellness, your mind should be completely switched to advice-giving mode, absolutely no thought should be made towards selling products.
As in all other techniques used by Herbalife Distributors, success as a Wellness Coach is based on "numbers", the more you do = the more you get! So by giving as much service as possible to your community, and keeping a track, as I have done, you will see very good results!
Working as a Wellness Coach for around 4 hours per day, 5 days per week, and only 3 weeks per month, using the correct steps, will enable you to earn an income that is higher than most office workers, that work 3 times more, please read the green section below:
Finally, as you can see from these numbers above, it only takes a small amount of discipline, and committment to follow the steps above, and you also can be a successful Wellness Coach.
Have a great day, and remember ALWAYS SMILE!
If you are seeing information of the above kind for the first time, and are interested in how to see a piece of the action, then please take the first step, and view my web-page:

Shake Party Concept

I feel it best to share what I consider, the most powerful sales tool, the "Shake Party" with wellness concept. This is the ideal concept for people that want to grow a "work from home" business, in minimal time, and without affecting your current circumstances.

With the numbers mentioned, I based these on the average of all shake parties I helped others to organize in their own home.

I was the MC at each shake party, and measured everyone for wellness, and explained the products. The house owner simply made the shakes, and helped all guests feel comfortable.
Due to the power of such a concept, (myself providing all the information in such a way that I was not chasing a sale) the guests felt much more at ease, in desiring from the house-owner the product for their own obvious health benefit.

So for those who want to build a Herbalife work from home business, shake parties are by far the best tool to get started!
For all the details, by right clicking & select "open in new window", check out:

More on wellness to be found in next post.